AA mount survivability. Upgrades. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. WoWSFT was a small program that was developed in 2016 when I was fresh out of uni. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. All games were played in Ranked as that’s my main game mode. Developed from the Leberecht Maass -class destroyers (Zerstörer 1936A type), this ship had larger dimensions and greater firepower compared to her prototype. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. SUO Mk 10 Mod. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Siegfried. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Nothing in their package is going to threaten any sub player that can walk and breathe at the same time. Main Armaments Modification 1. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. +10% Repair Party duration helps to heal back more fire damage and it gives one more heal. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Tier 7 France Battleship. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -78. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated. The way I remember is that Yamato with 460 mm guns can overmatch 32mm of plating. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. Equipment. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. Alternatively multiply an armor value by 14. 8,800,000. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. +25 %. Reduces the risk of catching fire. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. C4PT41N_0BV10US (32) Follow. Increases the action time of the Smoke Generator, Short-Burst Smoke Generator, Crawling Smoke Generator, and Exhaust Smoke Generator consumables. Please note there is no torpedo curving bug, regardless of the paradoxical nature of this statement. shell flight time, dispersion, AP penetration) with the same firing range for all ships. -50 %. Consumable action time. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. persists, try also clearing your browser's cache. Ship Tool is an analysis tool for the computer game World of Warships. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. -50 %. Atlantico's 234mm guns actually have 59mm pen, and 73mm with IFHE. -50 %. Propulsion: 176,000 hp. 文首瞎扯:做本系列攻略的初衷是新建立了一个小军团,发现好多萌新都很迷茫,就想到发这么一期专栏来给纯萌新普及一些知识。本期内容本是在战队群里发的,现在在这里再补个档。本人其实并不是资深玩家,但是也投入了很多精力在这个游戏之中,若出现谬误,请大家多多包涵,也可私信我. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Then you shoot some more HE and kite a bit more. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. 24. -50 %. You should take appropriate precautions. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main Armaments Modification 1. While I did want some practice with code development, it was created mainly due to the frustration that the game didn't provide enough data nor let players simulate ship stats change on different equipments/skills (also using Doubloons for reset was the only way back then). Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. -50 %. 1. Popular players. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. AFT - Advanced Firing Training, which boosts secondary battery and AA range by 20%. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. After this skill is mastered, the player will have the direction to the nearest enemy ship indicated to them. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Consumable action time. Consumable cooldown time. When you go to the tech tree to purchase a ship it will not let you see consumables or upgrades till you purchase it. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. -50 %. 3. -50 %. cost 6. 47 comments. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. -50 %. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. +25 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. WoWSFT was a small program that was developed in 2016 when I was fresh out of uni. With Iowa's poor turning performance, consider using FXP to acquire the B Hull immediately. +25 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +40 %. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. WoWS Builds. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. There are many varieties of alcoholic drinks, and several different strengths. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 550 mm 23DT. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. -50 %. Damage Control System Modification 1. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. This will help you make a decision. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Experience epic naval action in World of Warships: Legends, a global multiplayer free-to-play online game where you can master the seas in history's greatest warships! Recruit legendary commanders, upgrade your vessels and stake your claim to naval supremacy with or against players around the world. Equipment. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Ravenna. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 350K credits. -50 %. Damage Control System Modification 1. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 533 mm Si 270 N. Main Armaments Modification 1. Free XP can also be used to train. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. 380 mm/52 SK C/34 on a Drh LC/34 mount. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. 305 mm/50 Mle 1930 in a turret. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. You need to open a ship profile in each tab and keep switching between them. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. i think propulsion might be better to get in and out quickly. +25 %. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Last week I held off WoWSFT update due to pending decision regarding "Arirang" camouflage that had its name changed to "World of Warships: The Beautiful Game" camouflage without any notifications which upset many Korean players including me. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Jinan — Pan-Asian Tier X cruiser. Risk of engine becoming incapacitated. +25 %. Professional Development Classes (U Got Class) Most of the adult classes WDMCS Community Education offers are courses and certificates through U Got Class, an online learning resource for adults. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. When an aircraft carrier's Fighter consumable is activated, an additional aircraft is launched. -50 %. Equipment. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 5 km. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Increases the action time of the Engine Boost and Emergency Engine Power consumables. Reload time reduction for all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 2, 8 – 10 However, some HCPs remain reluctant to adopt their use. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Mobile devices and apps provide many benefits for HCPs, perhaps most significantly increased access to point-of-care tools, which has been shown to support better clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes. 1. Equipment. +25 %. -50 %. +25 %. If you wanna play safer, drop outnumbered for heavy AP shells and Grease the gears. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. -3 %. The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship. -50 %. Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. You should take appropriate precautions. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Alcoholic drinks are consumable items that can be procured either through adventuring or a vendor. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. -50 %. Equipment. ago. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. 19. 5 km. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. Arrival time. Historical background Navarra, originally named Reina Victoria Eugenia, was a unique light cruiser of the Spanish Navy. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedWoWS Fitting Tool. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. I am playing my Friesland with the same build as you have, with the addition of BFT and Priority Target. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. • 3 yr. +25 %. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. Info. • •. After this skill is mastered, the player will have the direction to the nearest enemy ship indicated to them. stop in a smoke and get out quickly. +25 %. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. SDT 10 mod. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 380 mm/52 SK C/34 on a Drh LC/34 mount. +25 %. +25 %. The guns can be derpy but seeing 5/6 or 6/6 hits is pretty fun. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedWoWS Fitting Tool. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. WoWSFT was a small program that was developed in 2016 when I was fresh out of uni. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. The ship remains partially able to sustain speed and maneuverability with the engine and steering gears incapacitated. Seems undo punishment all things considered with the current Meta. The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. You should take appropriate precautions. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. This is a test version that uses World of Warships API as well as game client data. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of a fire being caused by a shell of a caliber of more than 160 mm, or an HE bombInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. 2 %. -50 %.